Updates & Current Happenings
It’s Mud Season! With the variable weather Vermont spring brings, natural surface trails will remain and/or become very muddy and wet over the next few weeks. Please avoid muddy trails to help maintain integrity of the trails and prevent further damage to the trail base. It has been a tough few months for our well loved trails! If you encounter muddy areas please turn around or walk through the mud and not around to avoid widening the trails, damaging surrounding vegetation, and increasing the muddy sections.
WVPD in the News & Recent Articles
Williston Observer, January 7th, 2017: http://www.willistonobserver.com/willistons-membership-in-parks-district-questioned/
Seven Days, August 9, 2017: https://www.sevendaysvt.com/vermont/a-funding-dispute-challenges-the-winooski-valley-park-district/Content?oid=7243273
Williston Observer, October 19th, 2017: http://www.willistonobserver.com/park-district-makes-pitch-for-williston-land/
WCAX Television News September 27, 2022: https://www.wcax.com/2022/09/27/burlington-riverfront-property-permanently-conserved/